I finally took the time to play today, and these are my very first inkjet transfers! Thanks to the inkjet transfer group and Lesley Riley's book "Quilted Memories", they turned out great. They are still drying, but I was so excited, I had to take a picture right away. The only acrylic medium I had was Jo Sonja's Textile Medium, so that was what I used. It is in a squirt top bottle, so I just squirted some out and used a sponge makeup blending sponge to spread it evenly, adding more until I thought it was larger than my printout. The transfer was printed with durabrite inks on Apollo inkjet transparency sheets, and trimmed a bit larger than the design. I laid the printout, ink side down into the medium, and used a brayer, working from the center out, and then back and forth. After a few minutes (about the time to rinse the brayer and get another print onto the fabric), I gently peeled the transparency plastic away, and all the ink had transferred to the fabric. I still cannot believe how easy, and how nice it came out!