Monday, June 15, 2009

There's a first time for everything...

and Thurday I will be busy setting up my first vendor booth at the Block Party Quilters Show in Issaquah, WA. The show runs Friday through Sunday, and there are quilts and demonstrations to view, vendors to visit, and grownups and kids can help create blocks for our Ronald McDonald house charity quilts. Don't forget to purchase a ticket for the raffle quilt!

I'm getting ready, but it takes quite a while, as there are patterns to sort, price and pack...

Samples and fabric to pack...

velvet, and rayon / silk make-up or toiletry bags. There is one kit for my Harvest Gathering quilt - I know I've been asked about these before, and found I still had this one, so it will go to some lucky customer.
I also decided it might be a good time to let go of some of my stashed fabrics that I'm no longer interested in, so those are priced right.

Then there are beads, more samples, and of course, all the other bits and pieces that are necessary, or I think might be needed to run the booth.

I'll probably bring excess inventory, and of course a stepladder so I can hang and take down the booth, as well as the pop-up booth framework that my wonderful husband helped me find (I had seen the new ones online, and they were way out of my price range, but he managed to find some on Craig's list, and I'm looking forward to using them).

I'm sure my suv will be packed to the gills on Thursday, trying to get everything there and set up, and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I don't forget anything important! I'll try to remember to take at least one picture to show you how it turned out.

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