Sunday, August 23, 2015

Challenging soap day!

Finally got up my courage and a large enough time block to try the 12 Color Linear Swirl from the Soap Crafting book.   Instead of measuring the oils separately, I was working with already mixed and measured oils from a Soap Crafting class at Bramble Berry, which was greatly appreciated because the time I would have spent measuring oils was spent preparing 12 colors!  There is so much to do when making this soap that the fragrance oil is added to the oils before adding the lye. Once the oils and lye were mixed it was divided into 12 containers and colors were added, then the fun began of pouring stripes into the mold until it was as full as I wanted it.  A skewer was used to swirl the colors all the way to the bottom of the mold and create the pretty endpaper design.  It's resting now and in a few days I'll be able to take it out and get a better look.

Here's a close-up:

The leftover soap went into this 4" mold with all the colors just scraped from the individual containers, ending with pink on the top and then it was swirled just like in the large soap mold. The difference here is that I have no idea how this one will look when it is cut, because the soap was thickening and was just blobbed into the mold.  Can't wait to cut this one!

I decided to count my soap batches and this one is soap 32!

1 comment:

Delighted Hands said...

You are becoming so adventurous! I see the quilter in you coming out in this soap!