I've shown you pictures of the Paris Toujours shawl, but it hadn't been blocked. Well, now it's blocked and it's HUGE, it grew so much, but I love it! This one is a cotton and wool blend, so I may end up wearing it year round, since it gets cool in the summer evenings. (Just for a size comparison, those pads I'm blocking it on are made of four 2' x 2' squares, and it is almost 8' wide!)
Have swatched for a couple sweaters (shown above with the shawl and also below), but am really trying to finish up more UFOs before starting either one, however, they're really, really tempting! The brown swatch is for Amy Herzog's Options Rowan Sweater KAL and will be striped with an off white and coral pink, just like her sample. The magenta swatch is still under consideration, since I'm waffling between a summer cardigan (Basia) and 3/4 sleeved top (Turks and Calicos), since it's a summer yarn. Since I really want to try Custom Fit patterns, I've been thinking I could merge Charlie's Cardigan in Custom fit measurements for me with the Basia pattern.
Some handspun yarns have been washed and now feel wonderful and ready to knit with! This one is definitely going to be a cowl!
I've been following The Splendid Sampler quilt-a-long posts and planning to start making blocks. If you follow them, you'll be able to get all the patterns while it is in progress, but after the quilt a long is over, the blocks will be published in a book by my publisher, Martingale / That Patchwork Place, so if you miss any, you'll still be able to finish your quilt! Some of the block designers (not sure how many) are also making other quilt designs with the blocks and I believe at least some of those designs will be included in the book when it is published. So far, I have been collecting patterns and fabric, with hopes to start making blocks soon!
Of course, I couldn't decide to make one sampler quilt, I also fell in love with the charm of Lori Holt's Bloom quilt and bought a kit so I could start it right away! She's doing a sew-a-long on her blog. All the pieces are cut out, except the outer border, because I'm thinking of changing it a bit and have purchased more of one of the coordinating prints. Hopefully, later today I'll start preparing the applique pieces and basting them on the blocks (am waiting for fabric to arrive for some of the stems, and am hoping it arrives soon).