Friday, August 06, 2010

That Rayon Warp

has been on the loom since June! Why, might you ask? Well, due to threading errors and busy schedule, I hadn't had time to sort out the problem that I'd found AFTER weaving my color sample (at that time I thought everything was fine), and as I was getting ready to begin weaving the scarves. As soon as I inserted my paper fringe spacer, it was clear that I was not ready to weave, as I needed to fix errors first. As you can see, the thread pattern at the top is not the same all the way across:

I must have been distracted with choosing the weft color, because I tried four different colors and didn't notice there was a problem with my threaing. At any rate, here's the front of my sample:

And here's the sample back:

Now that I've corrected the errors, I'm weaving the scarf! Oh yeah, another little error was not noticing that I should be reversing the threading for my loom, so I'm weaving upside down, but that's ok, as I can just turn it over when it comes off the loom - it's better than changing the tie-ups at this point:-)

1 comment:

Delighted Hands said...

There is so much prep work and so many things can go wrong....but to perservere through it all produces such loveliness! This scarf is gorgeous-worth the wait!